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January 4th Meetup

Building extensible modules with PowerShell (Joel Bennett)

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Joel Bennett @Jaykul will chat with us about how to get started with extensible module authoring, and making your PowerShell session pretty.

Meeting Description:

Let’s talk about writing modules for PowerShell. You know the drill: write scripts, make those scripts re-useable and then package them up into modules to make them easy to distribute… But there’s a lot of thought that goes into the architecture of modules. If done right, you can build modules that can allow new capabilities and functionality for the future through extensibility.

Joel Bennett will chat with us about how to get started with extensible module authoring, and making your PowerShell session pretty. His talk will cover two topics that will seem unrelated at first:

  • Ways to write extensible modules and ideas for writing modules that let other modules extend them.

  • Reviewing some fancy modules he’s written recently: the EzTheme modules for styling PSStyle, PSReadLine, Powerline, and much more.

By the end of this demo you see how these two topics are related and how you can benefit if you build modules to be extensible.

Speaker Bio:

Joel aka Jaykul is a DevOps engineer, programmer, speaker, and Microsoft MVP. He likes to joke that he doesn’t always fix everything, but when he does, he does it with code, and he does it remotely!)


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Recording Notice:

We record all of our meetings and place the recordings on our YouTube channel a few days after our meetings. By attending this meeting, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of yourself for later use and posted in public forums such as YouTube and Reddit.

If you have never touched Ansible, fear not, because this is an intro that will cover how to get started and what are the important pieces to understand. Jeremy will show off the basic features, how they work and then highlight some useful modules to extend Ansible even further.

Since Ansible is a cross platform tool. Jeremy will also cover using Ansible in PowerShell for Windows and Linux. We’ll wrap it all up with a look at how to use ansible with DSC and how to get started writing your own custom Ansible modules.

Should be fun and great opportunity to learn some new tools to help get the work done better, faster and easier!

Want to know what time this meeting is in your time zone?

This is a live-streamed event that will be posted on YouTube afterward. By attending this meeting, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of yourself for later use and posted in public forums such as YouTube and Reddit. We record all of our meetings and place the recordings on our YouTube channel a few days after our meetings.