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September 2nd Meetup

Going Fishing with Superpowered Git Hooks

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Working with code in Git repositories is a required skills now for most IT pros. But if all you do with Git is add, commit, push, and merge, then you’re missing out on a world of functionality. There are so many opportunities to customize Git to increase productivity and automate CI/CD related actions. It’s time to unlock the phenomenal power of Git hooks and put Git to work!

Join Thomas Rayner for a demo of how you can super charge your repos with automated git hooks! Thomas is a security engineer for Microsoft, a PluralSight author, blogger and former MVP.

Wouldn’t it be cool to reject a push if it doesn’t meet your standards before it even landed in the remote? What about checking a commit for PSScriptAnalyzer violations before it even makes it into your Git log? You can do all this and more with Git hooks.

Thomas will cover some tangible examples of how Git hooks are used in the wild for you to bring back to your job immediately. Thomas is one of the most dynamic and engaging speakers in the PowerShell and automation communities. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business!