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February 19th Meetup

Git: Committing code to someone else's repo

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We’re continuing our git education series with a follow up on last month’s git intro. Last month we focused on committing code to your own repo. This month we’re focusing on committing code to a shared repository.

Join Phil Bossman, Kevin Laux and the rest of the RTPSUG leaders as we host a hands-on, step by step tutorial of how to work with shared repositories.

Our demo this month focuses on helping build a website. Each participant will have an opportunity to add a piece to our “website” which runs from a shared git repository. You will be able to see what you added to the website live once it is committed.

We’ll start off with a quick review of the fundamentals from last month’s meeting and then we’ll start building on top of those fundamental commands.

** All attendees should have git for windows or git for Linux pre-installed prior to this meeting **

If you didn’t attend last month’s meeting or you did but you feel like you need some refresher on the git intro, then please follow this link for a great article from Thomas Rayner. It is the content form our last meeting in an easy to follow article that you can get through in about 5 minutes.

Article Link: First Git Commands


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