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October 16th Meetup

Use PowerShell's Default Formats to Improve your Quality of Life

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Jeremy Smith will present his talk he shared at PowerShell Saturday in Raleigh. He’ll be showing how custom formats can help make life easier for repetitive tasks.

We often overlook custom default formats, but the good news is they’re easy to create. Jeremy will walk you through practical examples and guidance on when to use, or not use, this feature.

  • Tired of piping results to Select-Object, Format-Table or Format-List just to see the properties you care about?
  • Want to always see file sizes in human-readable form without Googling for the format expression syntax?
  • What about color-coding your results?

Come and learn how to solve these problems and more. Learn how to view your most common output the way YOU want to!

Jeremy is an application support engineer and is often tasked with coming up with unique ways to solve problems. He’s been attending the RTPSUG meetings for about 6 months now and every time we speak with him, he always has his hands in interesting projects and solving issues with PowerShell.


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