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August 16th Meetup

Learning PowerShell Is Like Running a Marathon (Steven Judd)

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Becoming a seasoned PowerShell professional is not an overnight achievement. Learn about the parallels between the journey of preparing for a marathon and mastering any skill, with a particular focus on PowerShell.

This is a hybrid event. You can attend in-person or online via Microsoft Teams. Please see Meeting Attendance Info section below for important details for attending in-person and how to connect if you are attending from home / remote location.

Meeting Description:

Join us for an engaging discussion about becoming a pro at PowerShell. It’s no quick journey – it involves training, planning, practice, setbacks, and dedication. In this session, we’ll draw parallels between mastering PowerShell and training for a marathon.

We all want to level up our skills, but it’s not always clear how to proceed. Steven Judd will share his own experiences as a runner and a PowerShell learner to show you how you can boost your skills and career with PowerShell. Don’t miss out!

Speaker Info:

Steven Judd is a seasoned IT Pro with over 25 years of experience. With a background in DevOps and cloud solutions, he’s been using PowerShell since 2010. He’s even co-developed a specialized PowerShell training program.

Passionate about helping others embrace automation’s value, Steven spends his free time exploring PowerShell, digital security, cloud tech, and cracking Dad jokes (watch his (video)[]). He can be found on the (PowerShell Discord Server)[], running marathons, playing the cello, and diving into various hobbies. Catch up with him on Twitter (@stevenjudd)[], explore his insights on his blog, and contribute to his code on GitHub.

Meeting Attendance Info:

If you are attending in-person, you need to visit and add your name to the onsite visitor guest list.

If you are attending via Remote, please use to join the meeting using Microsoft Teams. You can download the MS Teams client from

Want to know what time this meeting is in your time zone?


RTPSUG is a vibrant community of PowerShell professionals hailing from diverse backgrounds, united by our passion for sharing ideas and knowledge. Our inclusive meetings welcome individuals of all skill levels who are eager to discuss and deepen their understanding of PowerShell. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just starting out, if you have an interest in PowerShell, we encourage you to attend. Join us and discover the benefits this group can offer to your PowerShell journey.

Recording Notice:

We record all of our meetings and place the recordings on our YouTube channel a few days after our meetings. By attending this meeting, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of yourself for later use and posted in public forums such as YouTube and Reddit.

Want to know what time this meeting is in your time zone?

This is a live-streamed event that will be posted on YouTube afterward. By attending this meeting, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of yourself for later use and posted in public forums such as YouTube and Reddit. We record all of our meetings and place the recordings on our YouTube channel a few days after our meetings.